OnePlus offers free Loop VR Headset ahead of OnePlus 3 VR launch
OnePlus launched its flagship OnePlus 2 smartphone back in July last year in an virtual reality event. Yesterday the company’s CEO Carl Pei has announced that the OnePlus 3 will also be introduced in a VR launch event. It will be a fully-interactive, immersive, 3D VR event. The company has partnered with AntVR to introduce Loop VR Headset that promises more robust, immersive and comfortable experience compared to the OnePlus Cardboard headset.
The Loop VR headset has 100-degree field of view, fits 5 or 6-inch smartphones comfortably, has Orthoscopic lenses and weighs 366 grams. For a distortion-free field of view, lenses can be fine-tuned for a perfect focus. It also has adjustable straps and snug inner-padding. The Loop VR also fits comfortably over glasses.
The OnePlus Loop VR Headset is available can be claimed for free (30,000 headsets only) including shipping through the OnePlus website. For India it will go on sale through flash sale on at Re. 1 (with additional shipping cost) on June 3rd and June 7th. Still the launch date has not been announced, but it is expected to be in the third or fourth week of June.
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