Quickly add storage space to your iPhone with these simple tricks

So the Apple iPhone doesn't feature a microSD Slot. This means that if your iPhone comes with just 16GB of native storage, you have to be pretty judicious about the things you store on your handset. But no matter how careful you are, there are some things that are clogging up your iPhone. The good news is that there are a few tricks you can do to quickly open up additional storage space.

In iOS 9, your text messages are stored on your phone forever by default. Considering how much you text, this could be consuming a lot of memory. So here is how we take care of this issue. Go to Settings> Messages > Keep Messages. You then have the option of keeping your texts natively on your device for 30 days, 1 year, or forever. Click on 30 days and you will be prompted to delete all current messages over 30 days old. Agree to that, and you might have opened up enough space for some new apps!

Another way to save space is to go to Settings >Safari > Clear History and Website Data. This is pretty self-explanatory. And you can also open up some room by optimizing your camera roll. This keeps photos stored on your device in a smaller format, with the full resolution pictures stored in iCloud for easy retrieval.

One last tip; if you hold down the power and home buttons together for 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears, you will have cleaned RAM and Cache memory. And we would be remiss if we didn't remind you that you can review how much memory is available to you by going to Settings > General >About. Scroll down to Available to see how much space you have to work with.

There are some easy ways to open up space on your iPhone

1. Check how much storage you have left

2. Go to Safari's settings and clear history and any website data

3. Open up some room by optimizing photos on the device while the originals are sent to the cloud


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