IPL Limited edition smartphone launched for Rs 25,990. Is it worth to buy?
Vivo launched its latest IPL Limited edition smartphone in India which is the IPL Edition version of Vivo V5 Plus smartphone to celebrate 10 year journey of IPL so far. And now it announced the pricing of the device as well so is it worth to buy this smartphone for Rs 25,990 now?
It has the same specifications as the V5 Plus, including 20-megapixel front-facing camera with Sony IMX376 1/2.78″ sensor, f/2.0 aperture and an 8-megapixel secondary font-facing camera for capturing depth information. It comes in Matte Black finish and has 18-carat VIVOIPL 10th anniversary logo engraved at the back.
Yes definitely it is worth to buy now for all the IPL fans out there as its cheaper than the standard version of the smartphone which was launched earlier for Rs 27980. Now for this IPL edition smartphone it will be available exclusively on flipkart from tomorrow that is on 10th of April as well as retail stores and vivo exclusive stores as well.
Also to be noted flipkart is running a contest where you could get 100% cashback as well. So check that out on flipkart for sure.
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