The Xiaomi Mi 5 is powered by 1.3GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor and it comes with 3GB of RAM. The phone packs 32GB of internal storage cannot be expanded. As far as the cameras are concerned, the Xiaomi Mi 5 packs a 16-megapixel primary camera on the rear and a 4-megapixel front shooter for selfies. The Xiaomi Mi 5 runs Android 6.0 and is powered by a 3000mAh non removable battery. It measures 144.50 x 69.20 x 7.25 (height x width x thickness) and weighs 129.00 grams. The Xiaomi Mi 5 is a dual SIM (GSM and GSM) smartphone that accepts two Nano-SIM. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, 3G, 4G (with support for Band 40 used by some LTE networks in India). Sensors on the phone include Proximity sensor, Ambient light sensor, Accelerometer, and Gyroscope. Get into competition by sharing this post on your facebook timeline and tag with your friends. Also do the below steps to increase your winning chances. [We have got a huge response for our ...
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